People are people, human is human. All the rest are just categories used to market ideas. Sometimes those ideas are valid, legitimately protective, promoting community and joy. Often though, categories are used as means to impose oppression and promote separation.
When we step into an automobile, we instantly wield a very heavy object approximately 50 times the size of ourselves, and we exert an influence on those around us. We can impose irregular actions on them. Call it defensive driving to put a spin on it. In a car, there’s an obvious physical reason why we influence the people around us, but in the space of humanity, of one person or family on earth, why would anyone have a need to influence fellow humans and neighbors in an oppressive manner? It’s a real noggin-scratcher.
Generally speaking, we don’t need to defensively live. There’s plenty of room for most ideas and for people to express themselves and live in those ideas without direct imposition.
Cheers to Kenneth Cole for promoting the strongest of human qualities—the ability to recognize and promote equality—in their marketing. Kenneth Cole ad for gay marriage.
Kelly Hobkirk - teaching marketers how to harness strategy, goals, reality, and purpose to connect and do better work.
Kelly Hobkirk has been helping companies succeed in creative ways for nearly 25 years. His work has been featured in Time Magazine, and books by Rockport and Rotovision. Get exclusive articles when you sign up for his monthly newsletter.